Metalindustrien er i konstant og dynamisk udvikling. Du kan her følge med i udviklingen, når vores dygtige og innovative samarbejdspartnere udkommer med produktnyheder og nye teknologier. Vores samarbejdspartnere er nøje udvalgt. I denne omgang kan du læse mere om nyheder fra GYS.

Nyhed fra vores distributør GYS

GYS er etableret i 1964 i Frankrig og er familieejet med over 900 ansatte i mere end 130 lande. Forankret i research, development og ingeniørskab, er GYS en stor og vigtig spiller i design og fremstilling af svejsemaskiner, batteriopladere og udstyr til bil-reparation.

Guttering full automatic line

Stud welding is an essential process in many different sectors, such as manufacturing and construction, and presents daily challenges for professionals in these industries: reproducibility, working in hard-to-reach areas, sound levels...

The CAPATEK 66 FV and its unique gun already provide a simple, ergonomic solution to most of these challenges. Now, we have introduced two new centring barrels (open barrel and anti-spatter/anti-noise barrel), designed to ensure that studs are fitted perfectly flat, ensuring optimum contact with the surface of the workpiece.

These accessories attach to the gun with ease, making it quick and convenient to centre studs when using a jig, or in hard-to-reach areas. The anti-spatter/anti-noise gun eliminates most welding spatter, and offers a significant -20 dB reduction in noise, for improved working conditions in all working environments.

Plus: these two barrels are very easy to maintain using a cloth or a brush, helping to prolong their service life.

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